SWR2 Tandem 24.05.2022
Von der Ukraine singen – Die Künstlerin Melanka Piroschik
Mannheimer Morgen 08.05.2022
Moloch & Nadiya at EnjoyJazz Festival
“With a terrific Alexander Korus on the guitar, it is this duo that singer Melanka Piroschik has dedicated entirely to Ukrainian folklore. The guitar lines vibrating between blues and ambient, the tender but firm voice of this young singer sits on the melodic meshes, tells of war and destruction, but also of intimacy and beauty. „There will be no performance in which I won’t follow my calling“, Piroschik will announce in an announcement and mean: To express and show the world the beauty of Ukraine. How deeply emotional she performs her mother’s children’s songs but also the brutalism of a murdering husband, is often tearfully poignant – and even the artist sometimes embraces her violin like a haven of comfort. That’s how far culture can go. No cheering can be as heartfelt as these sounds.“
– Markus Mertens for Mannheimer Morgen

LVZ 29.03.2022
Article about the benefit concert “Leipzig helps Ukraine”

Panel at EnjoyJazz Festival 09.05.2022
Reconnecting Europe – The new responsibility of the arts
nd 01.04.2022
Interview »Mit Demut und Willen zur Avantgarde«

ZDF heute 23.02.2022
Wie vier Frauen der Krise mit Musik begegnen